Special Services
Kerry DiGiacinto
Phone Numbers:
Office: 973-334-2587
Fax: 973-334-9706
Wildwood Elementary School
51 Glen Road
Mountain Lakes, NJ, 07046
- About Us
- Child Study Team
- McKinney-Vento EHCY
- Parent Workshops & Resources
- Project Child Find
- Special Services Staff
About Us
Mountain Lakes Student Support Services provides programs, placements, and related services to meet the needs of children who are eligible to receive special education services. We hope that this website will be a resource to parents and educators as you navigate through the sometimes complex special education system.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Student Support Services Department is to provide an appropriate education for students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment that will enable them to reach their potential both academically and personally. Our philosophy is one of inclusive education. We believe that "all students can achieve" when provided with appropriate accommodations, modifications or supplemental aids and services. We work closely with families, students, colleagues and various professionals in order to promote success for every student.
The Special Services Department includes special education teachers, child study team members, speech/language specialists, related service providers and teacher assistants. Together we plan and provide educational programs for students with disabilities in conjunction with general education staff, administration and parents.
The Mountain Lakes Special Services Department offers comprehensive programs of specialized services to meet the needs of students with varying disabilities. These programs fall within the full continuum of services ranging from out-of-district placements to full mainstreaming within the general education environment.
The special education system can be very daunting to parents/guardians. It is important that parents/guardians have an understanding of the system to allow them to effectively participate in their child's individual education plan (IEP).
Child Study Team
Wildwood Elementary School
Briarcliff Middle School
High School
Related Services
Michael DeFlippio
Jennifer Distell
Katie Egan
Heather Long
Cassie Oakes
Ally Schamach
McKinney-Vento EHCY
McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program
The Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth (McKinney-Vento EHCY) program provides homeless students with protections and services to ensure they enroll in and attend school; complete their high school education and be positioned for success after graduation, so they may avoid poverty and homelessness as adults. Of the over 1.3 million children and youth experiencing homelessness in the United States, more than 10,900 homeless children and youth were identified in the state of New Jersey during the 2016-17 school year.
The McKinney-Vento EHCY program ensures homeless children and youth have equal access to a free, appropriate public education and are able to enroll in and attend school. The program funds supplemental academic support services for homeless children and youth to ensure their school success.
District Liaison
Kerry DiGiacinto
Parent Workshops & Resources
Project Child Find
The Special Services Department of the Mountain Lakes School District, in compliance with Project Child Find, conducts evaluations, if warranted, for those children and/or adult students who may have learning difficulties in the areas of cognition, communication, social/emotional and motor functioning. The evaluations are available to preschool children aged 3-5, to school aged children 6-21, to highly mobile students such as migrant and homeless students, and to students who may have a disability although they are advancing from grade to grade.
Children or adult students who are found eligible for special education and related services are entitled to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).
For more information on Project Child Find, contact the Mountain Lakes Department of Special Services at 973-334-2587.
The New Jersey Department of Education also has information on their website at https://www.nj.gov/health/fhs/eis/public-reporting/child-find/.